Friday, March 20, 2009

Wireless Backup Camera System

Whether you are the owner of a big SUV, a truck that has a camper top or someone who drives a compact vehicle you may have trouble feeling secure when you put the vehicle in reverse and start to back up. Face it, it is scary, we have all heard the horror stories of children or pets being directly behind us, where they cannot be seen. Who has not, at one time or another, backed over a bicycle or toy? And let's not forget those crowded parking lots! You need to have a swivel head to keep your eye on all the people and vehicles. The pressure is all on you because they never seem to be concerned that you are attempting to back out.

But there is a great product that can simplify your life and give you more confidence to navigate your vehicle in a difficult situation. You can purchase a Wireless Backup Camera System. It has a large 3-½ color screen that makes it very easy to view, and mounting is easy, just attach the system to the dash or visor, it operates from the vehicles 12 V DC electrical system.

You will never have to worry again about hitting things as you back up. And this is a great tool for parallel parking. You have less worry and stress and you will be a more confident driver. What a wonderful product! You will want to get one for each of your vehicles. Once you get used to the feeling of backing up with certainty, you will never want to be with out this product.

And don't forget that friend or family member who has problems using the side and rear view mirrors, you may want to consider the Wireless Backup Camera System as a gift. They will love it and you will not have to worry as much about them and their driving.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Easy to Use Amplified Cell Phone

Each month, there are hundreds of new cell phone users; as more towers are built, the cell phone allows you to have phone coverage in areas you've never had access to before. They allow you to stay connected while you are traveling in your vehicle, or taking a walk in the park. They give you quick access to emergency services and they allow you to feel safe. They have become a very necessary part of our lives, because public phones are almost none existent. But if you have to contend with too many bells and whistles, they can be difficult to use. Are you among the many cell phone users who are longing for a simple ordinary phone? One that is simple to use and has speaker in the receiver that is loud enough for you to hear?

Well, we have the cell phone you have been searching for; the Amplified Cell Phone is just for you. It operates the same as a regular cell phone; however, the four buttons on the face of the phone are oversized. There is the red button to power it on and off and disconnect a call, and the green button to place a call and answer calls. There is also the up and down buttons to select the number you want to dial. There is an emergency button on the back, which will automatically alert up to five numbers and send out either a text message or place a call. The face of the phone slides up to reveal all of the standard type buttons.

The phone has a flashing orange LED, with easy to read numbers. It can be set on vibration for those times when you don't want to miss a call, but do not want it to ring. There are five volume settings and your incoming calls ring twenty decibels louder than ordinary phones. You can use the phone with any GSM phone system including AT&T and T-Mobile.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sutticar Fuel Saver

This past year found everyone paying far too much at the gas pump. Sure, it has gone back down, but who knows when it will jump back up, or how high it will go? We all need to focus on cutting our needs wherever we can so that we will not be held hostage when the price goes up again. We need to examine how and when and why we use so much fuel.

One thing that can cause us to use more fuel is driving at an inconsistent rate of speed. Some people feel that if they push the gas pedal and then let up and allow the car to coast and then give it more gas, that they are conserving gas. This actually has the opposite result; you are using more gas than is necessary. By accelerating smoothly and then reaching and maintaining an even speed, you are using less fuel.

Changing your driving habits can be more difficult than it sounds, but don't worry, there is a great product that can help you to become a smooth driver, it is the Sutticar Fuel Saver and you will be amazed at the difference it can make in how many miles you get for a gallon of gas. The fuel saver can be installed in just a few minutes, it is quick and easy and you don't need any tools. It fits beneath the gas pedal of any vehicle, and creates a counter pressure that helps you to accelerate smoothly. It will allow for quick acceleration if you need it, but it keeps your driving smooth and steady under normal driving conditions.